The Coryells // Bellevue, PA

It was many months in the making, but I finally got the chance to hang out with the Coryells and photograph their awesome family. Their little guy is so much fun and is pretty much always smiling anytime I see him, so it was fun to explore catching some of his expressions and moments with his mom & dad. Enjoy some highlights below!

The Perrys // Moon Township, PA

What a wonderful way to begin a new chapter in Give & Take: Pittsburgh.

We’ve officially settled into our new world here, but it’s amazing to get to meet the fantastic people who live here.

This past weekend I got the privilege of joining the Perry’s in their home to document the simple moments of life together. More and more I find these kinds of moments, the small interactions, conversations, and building blocks of our lives, are way more valuable than those big, momentous ones. Getting to join the Perry’s was such a pleasure, and their family has so much spunk and joy and love for one another.

Looking forward to helping document more moments like these around Pittsburgh in the months and years to come.

The Dodds // Jamaica Plain, MA

Have I mentioned recently how much I love doing family shoots? I really think it's connected to my own family growing, but nonetheless, it is such an incredible experience to capture these budding and growing lives.

Recently I had such a wonderful time getting to spend some time with the lovely Dodds. Our family (and SO many others) has been a consistent recipient of the generosity and service of these two (now three!). And is has been so much fun to see their family grow and boy is Barnaby an amazing little guy.

Enjoy some photos from my visit with them: