A Wedding Anthology

With a transition to a new website, old portfolios of work are left somewhere in the interweb archives. In putting together my new website and portfolio, I didn't have the chance to include some of my old favorites, so I thought I'd post them here as a tribute to the over 100+ weddings I've been able to shoot over the past 8 years. Enjoy these oldies:

A huge thank you to the many many families, individuals and friends who have hired me to photograph their weddings over the years. Much love to you all!

The South for a Week // AR, MO, SC

Last week I got to spend some time down south with some of the best people in the world. Celebrating the wedding of one of my best friends #FisherCaughtABass. And enjoying lazy time at the beach with family. Here are a few snapshots for the heck of it.

Catherine & Gordon // Rowley, MA

These two. Wow. It’s so amazing when you walk away from a wedding after hardly knowing the couple beforehand and feeling like these people are seriously amazing, and I love them, and we’re friends. That’s the kind of people Catherine and Gordon are. Welcoming, caring, easy-going, intentional, loving. And their wedding day reflected that. It was a great celebration of these two and I’m so grateful I got to document the day. Also, the sky at the end of the night was crazy beautiful. Enjoy some shots from this joyous wedding.

Oksana & Mark // Boston, MA

There was no better way to begin my 2016 wedding season than with Mark and Oksana’s wedding here in Boston. I have gotten to know these two a little over the past year as we’ve been both attending the same church, and it was so awesome to be able to document the day as our church community came around them to celebrate. The service was so beautiful and inspiring, and both Mark and Oksana are incredibly fun and easy to be around. They had an incredibly fun reception with numerous speeches and performances by friends and family throughout the evening. Enjoy some photos from the day:

Tina & Tim // Boston, MA

Boston is exploding with spring and color and beauty these days – the perfect time for Tina and Tim’s visit. This was my first time meeting them in person, as we had booked everything last year over skype, and it was so so much fun to finally get to spend time with these two. They were only in town for the weekend, sorting out all of their wedding plans for August, and it was great to walk some of the most beautiful spots in Boston on a gorgeous Saturday afternoon. Both Tina and Tim have such a warmth and ease to them, and it was immediately a lot of fun getting to know them. I’m really looking forward to being able to join them at their wedding in August. Enjoy some shots from our time together.