Madeleine Jean // Born September 21

Life has flipped upside down since my last post.

I am now the unbelievably proud father of one Madeleine Jean - born on September 21, 2016. The past month has been full of some of the most unbelievable, magical, mundane, and messy days of my life... and I LOVE it. Well I love my wife and Madeleine for just being so darn amazing.

Thus, my energies have been focused upon this little nugget (in addition to work & grad school), so pardon the blog if this winter you notice I'm taking a bit of a hibernation. I will do my best to post here and there on instagram for those who want to connect.

Here are a few of my favourites so far of our daughter:

Colleen & Joel // Cape Cod, MA

A beautiful Cape Cod wedding in every way, Joel and Colleen's day was so full love and powerful joy and emotion. I got to know these two last year during an engagement session, and I've been looking forward to their wedding ever since. They are just the most joyful people. And love each other dearly, it comes through in their small gestures and looks and words. It was an honor to capture their day -- from a gorgeous beach ceremony to a lobster feast, these two knew how to throw a celebration on the Cape. Not only that, but the ceremony was next to where they were engaged and the reception at the location where they first me. Enjoy some photos from the day:

Tina & Tim // Sharon, MA

I'm convinced Tina and Tim are two of the most grateful people I have ever met. Every step of the way on their wedding day you could feel how much they cared for their families and friends and one another.  It was so much fun to work with them again (we did some engagement pictures earlier this year) and the day really couldn't have been any more perfect. From the gorgeous weather to one of my all-time favourite first looks (including an Eastern tradition where the bridesmaids make the groom answer some questions before being able to see his bride) to private tea ceremonies (including some deeply moving speeches from Tina and Tim to their families) to a stunning venue (Saphire Estate was just perfect), I am so so grateful to have been there to document the day. Enjoy some photos from the day:

Michelle & Matt // Cambridge, MA

Michelle and Matt had an incredibly classic wedding. From the huge gorgeous church to the Harvard scenery to the beautiful ballroom, they know how to throw a huge party. It was my first time getting to spend time with these two, and it was such a pleasure to be able to photograph. The whole day was a wonderful celebration of their love, and all of their friends and family really brought down the house once the DJ started those tunes. Enjoy some shots from their wedding day:

A Wedding Anthology

With a transition to a new website, old portfolios of work are left somewhere in the interweb archives. In putting together my new website and portfolio, I didn't have the chance to include some of my old favorites, so I thought I'd post them here as a tribute to the over 100+ weddings I've been able to shoot over the past 8 years. Enjoy these oldies:

A huge thank you to the many many families, individuals and friends who have hired me to photograph their weddings over the years. Much love to you all!

The South for a Week // AR, MO, SC

Last week I got to spend some time down south with some of the best people in the world. Celebrating the wedding of one of my best friends #FisherCaughtABass. And enjoying lazy time at the beach with family. Here are a few snapshots for the heck of it.